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مختار مسعود کی نثر میں منظر نگاری

Sadiq Iqbal 

Scholar PhD Urdu, Hazara University Mansehra. 

Dr.Altaf Yousof Zai

 Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu, Hazara University Mansehra. 

Prof. Dr. Rubina Shaheen 

Head Department of Urdu, Peshawar University, Peshawar

 مختار مسعود کی نثر میں منظر نگاری

Imagery in Mukhtar Masood’s Prose 

In regards to imagery, this might not be wrong. The depiction of all materials and non-material, natural and unnatural in a literary art form becomes a picture in front of the reader's eyes. If the scene seen by a poet or a prose writer is drawn with words, So that could be the Imagery. Analyzes of artistic, philosophical, moral and psychological objects by nature are also included in the visualization category. The beauty in prose is because of the imagery itself. It would be absurd to say that good prose is the name of a good scenery. It is the job of the prose writer to convey what he sees or hears with words. they create a special setting with balance and put it to words. As such, everything in the world falls into the realm of imagery. In Mukhtar Masood's prose, visualization is of paramount importance. his prose presents beautiful specimens of the imagery of the universe everywhere. This carefully created imaginary prose inspires the reader. This article highlights the definition, comparison and the imagery contained in Mukhtar Masood's prose.

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